Thursday, September 21, 2006

Windows IT Pro's Exchange Availability Guide

The Microsoft MVP Guide
to Exchange Availability
10 Essential Rules that Will Save Your Job
Paul Robichaux, Microsoft Exchange MVP
Chris Scharff, Microsoft Exchange MVP
Ben Winzenz, Microsoft Exchange MVP
MessageOne’s Emergency Mail System™(EMS™) provides
guaranteed email continuity. When your Exchange servers
become unavailable, EMS allows users to continue to send
and receive email through a web browser or via a BlackBerry®
wireless device without interruption. Today, more than 700 CIOs at
companies including DaimlerChrysler, Time Warner, and Marriott
depend on MessageOne to ensure that email is always available
– no matter what. Learn more at
Brought to you by MessageOne™
© Copyright 2005 MessageOne, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
It’s a very bad day when Microsoft Exchange goes down.
Unfortunately, achieving high availability with Exchange can be
a daunting task: a wide variety of software, hardware, directory,
storage, network, and datacenter problems are always lurking.
Each one has the potential to bring email down.
MessageOne has seen many causes of downtime: an idiot with
a backhoe cutting the fi ber line, an executive emailing his
7 GB ripped video of a Grateful Dead DVD, termites in the data
center, a night visitor accidentally shutting down power – not to
mention the mundane failures caused by human error, technical
problems, and natural disasters.
This pocket guide provides 10 essential rules that will help
you ensure that email is always available, no matter what. It
was written by three Microsoft Exchange MVP’s to help Exchange
Administrators avoid many of the pitfalls that can lead to
painful downtime.
01 Simplify,
Rule No.
Highly complex availability solutions create new risks that
increase their cost and value. Aircraft engineers have known this
rule for a long time: extra bells and whistles add weight and cost
and sap agility, performance, and maneuverability.
The same is true for your availability solution design.
Instead of larding up your infrastructure with complexity, search
for solutions that reduce the number of failure points by removing
unnecessary components, consolidating functions where it
makes sense to do so, eliminating processes that you don’t
need, and streamlining whatever you keep.
The Zen masters teach that you can only reach Nirvana by letting
go of your possessions; to reach high availability nirvana, you
must simplify in exactly the same way.
01 Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.
02 Know Thy
Rule No.
GI Joe’s motto is "Knowing is half the battle."
That’s as true for Exchange availability as it is for plastic
action fi gures.
Your efforts to build a highly available Exchange system depend
on knowing what failure points exist in your design and what you
can do about them. Some of these failure points will be outside
your control, like security fl aws in the software you run or the
quality of your local utility company’s electrical service. Most of
these lurking enemies, though, are yours to command –
and destroy!
First, you have to know where your infrastructure is vulnerable;
then you have to have the training and knowledge to know how
to best fi x those vulnerabilities without violating Rule #1. For
example, understand the history of your failures and what caused
them – were they SAN-related, related to a specifi c upgrade
process, or something else?
02 Know Thy Enemies
03 Is that a Tool
or a Weapon?
Rule No.
George Washington said that government, "like fi re, is a
dangerous servant and a terrible master."
So it is with the Exchange maintenance tools we depend on to fi x
things when they go wrong. Eseutil and isinteg (and lesser-known
tools available from Microsoft support that you may have heard
of) are wonderfully useful in the right circumstances – but in
untrained hands, or when used for the wrong reasons, they can
irreparably damage your data.
Know what these tools are for, how to use them, and when not to
use them. Don’t experiment with these tools on your production
servers (that’s what Virtual PC is for), and don’t plan on running
them as part of your normal maintenance routines. If you get into
a situation where running these tools seems like a good idea,
stop and think – and consider calling Microsoft’s PSS if you’re
not 100% sure that you’re choosing the right tool for the job.
03 Is that a Tool or a Weapon?
04 Clusters, Not
Cluster Bombs
Rule No.
Clusters are like nuclear weapons: they’re expensive, they
require lots of maintenance, and they don’t solve the problems
most people think that they do. They’re both devastating if
improperly used or secured. Despite this, they are much
If you’re considering using clusters, or if you’ve already got them
deployed, ask yourself whether your cluster implementation
actually delivers the benefi ts you want. Clusters are great at
protecting against single points of hardware failure, and they
make rolling upgrades of the operating system easy. They can
also be used to provide higher availability than standalone
systems when properly designed and used with appropriate
storage systems.
To get the most out of your clusters, carefully study Microsoft’s
recommendations for cluster design and sizing; buy only
hardware that appears as "cluster-certifi ed" on Microsoft’s
hardware compatibility list, and gain experience with cluster
management and setup by using Virtual PC or VMware before
you take the big plunge.
04 Clusters, Not Cluster Bombs
05 Take Care of
Your Spare to
Avoid a Scare
Rule No.
You probably wouldn’t drive your car across the country
without a spare tire.
Likewise, you probably shouldn’t operate your Exchange servers
without a good backup and recovery plan. Backups are your
last-ditch safety net; they can save your data when the protective
mechanisms built into Exchange and your server hardware
have failed you. However, it pays to be sure that your safety net
doesn’t have any holes in it. You, and everyone else on your
messaging team, should be intimately familiar with how your
backup procedures work. Everyone on the team should be able
to do a restore, on demand, of anything from a single mailbox
up to an entire server (including the operating system). The best
way to develop this level of skill is to practice—a lot. Doing so will
build your confi dence level and your skill.
Apart from the question of whether your backups and restores
work is the question of whether they meet your business needs.
Be sure that your restore processes—including media retrieval,
the actual restore, and any post-restore operations—can be
completed during the amount of time you’ve specifi ed as your
recovery time objective (RTO). Also, you need to ensure that
your backup captures all the data you need for a complete
restoration—don’t forget Active Directory, the Windows Certifi cate
Services certifi cate authority, your anti-spam fi lters, and any
other data that you’d need to completely reconstitute your
Exchange operations.
05 Take Care of Your Spare
to Avoid a Scare
06 Know the
between HA,
DR and BC
Rule No.
Modern messaging operations impose two requirements: protect
your data (and be able to recover it) and minimize downtime.
They’re related, but not identical, and they have different
requirements that you must know and meet:
• Disaster Recovery (DR) is being able to come back from
a failure, whether large or small. DR may involve restoring
from conventional backups, moving work to another node in
a cluster, or shifting operations to an alternate location. For
example, if your server explodes because someone spilled a
diet Coke in it, and you restore it, that’s DR.
• High availability (HA) is being able to avoid failures in the
fi rst place. RAID, clustering, and redundant power supplies
all provide elements of HA capability. If your server explodes,
and no one notices because its work automatically moves to
another cluster node, that’s HA.
• Business continuity (BC) is being able to keep with some
(possibly degraded) degree of functionality while a disaster
recovery is taking place. If your server explodes and you
switch messaging operations over to your remote data center
or a hosted service while you’re repairing it, that’s BC.
DR is something basic that every organization must implement
to some degree, even if it’s only the "spare tire" level. HA is
something that most organizations choose to implement at some
level; BC is usually what those organizations are trying
to achieve.
06 Know the Difference
between HA, DR and BC
07 Monitor,
Rule No.
If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear it? I don’t know.
I do know that if your server falls over, you’re going to hear
about it when users start calling your help desk—or you—to
complain. Before that happens, you should take advantage of the
monitoring tools built into Windows and Exchange to keep tabs
on your servers’ performance, health, and behavior.
Windows’ basic performance monitoring tools will tell you
when resource usage goes outside of preset limits, and these
indications can give you valuable advance warning of problems.
If you can’t measure your systems’ performance or availability,
you can’t manage to improve it. Watch message fl ow, resource
usage, and uptime to fi gure out where potential weak spots are.
If you depend on non-Exchange servers for message hygiene
or fi ltering, keep an eye on them, too, to make sure that you
get early warning of problems with inbound or outbound
message fl ow.
For large or complex networks, the money you spend on a solid
monitoring package like Microsoft Operations Manager or HP
OpenView will be money well-spent because you’ll be able to
get timely notifi cations of queue buildups, unexpected changes
in disk space usage, and other conditions that can lead to
Exchange problems if not corrected in a timely manner.
07 Monitor, Monitor, Monitor.
08 Ruthlessly
Drive Out
Rule No.
Writer and explorer Antoine de Saint-Exupery nailed this rule:
"You know you’ve achieved perfection in design, not when you
have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to
take away."
As you design your Exchange system, you should ruthlessly
identify and remove every individual single point of failure
(SPOF) that you can fi nd. You may fi nd SPOFs in your physical
infrastructure, your Exchange design, your DNS or Active
Directory confi guration, your processes, or even your people.
(after all, if you have even one irreplaceable person on your team,
what happens when they’re not available?)
The fi rst step to implementing this rule is to identify any area
where you have potential SPOFs (which we defi ne loosely as any
single service, server, or component whose failure can interrupt
your messaging operations). Next, rank the SPOFs twice: once
according to their potential for failure and once according to
the cost of fi xing them. Use these rankings to decide what to
fi x fi rst according to your operational requirements and budget
requirements. Finally, fi x things (at all times being sure to
remember Rule #1!).
08 Ruthlessly Drive Out SPOFs
09 D2D N-O-W
Rule No.
It’s cheap and easy. No, not vending-machine dinners—
disk-to-disk backup.
The fastest way to back up Exchange data is to use a disk as the
target medium; this gives you much faster backups—and thus
quicker recoveries—than using tapes, at a per-gigabyte cost that
compares favorably with many tape-based solutions. You can
take one (or more, space permitting) disk-to-disk backups, then
selectively write them to tape when it’s convenient. This hybrid
approach gives you fast backups, low overhead, and quick
recoverability, plus long-term archival and storage.
You don’t need any additional software to do this, because
Windows’ built-in ntbackup utility can make disk-to-disk backups
of Exchange right out of the box. Third-party backup utilities
add more fl exible scheduling and a wider range of backup
options, but because the bundled tools give you a cheap way
to get started, you should start investigating how disk-to-disk
technology can improve your backup and recovery processes.
09 D2D N-O-W
10Don’t Trade
for Availability
Rule No.
Life is all about tradeoffs; the more successful you are at
making the right tradeoffs, the better off you’re likely to be.
This is true for your Exchange design too—picking the right
combination of hardware, software, and design elements makes
it possible for you to have your cake and eat it too.
The type of RAID system you use, the number of physical disks
you use, and the number and size of your database and storage
groups—these factors have a huge infl uence on the balance
between performance and availability in your system. For the
best mix, choose a RAID level that’s appropriate for your recovery
needs (RAID-1+0 is generally best, but RAID-5 is workable in
many environments) and back it with the right number of physical
disks to give you an adequate number of I/O operations per
second (IOPS).
When you combine the right design principles with good
monitoring and solid backup, you’ll fi nd that your performance
and availability both rise to meet your expectations.
10 Don’t Trade
Performance for Availability
MessageOne’s Emergency Mail System provides guaranteed
email continuity. When your Exchange servers become
unavailable, EMS allows users to continue to send and receive
email through a web browser or via a Blackberry wireless device
without interruption.
No matter what may happen to your physical facilities, data
centers, servers, software, network connectivity, or IT staff,
MessageOne’s Emergency Mail System (EMS) guarantees that
email will always be up and running.
EMS is a Linux-based standby email system that is automatically
synchronized with your primary email environment. In the
event of an emergency or planned outage, EMS can quickly
be activated over the Web or by phone. In less than minute,
selected email users will have direct access to a fully functional
Web-based email account that allows users to send and receive
email from their standard email address. The standby account
includes all of the key features of the primary email system
including contact lists, calendar appointments, distribution lists,
and important historical email.
Today, millions of users depend on EMS at more than 700
companies to ensure that email is always available. EMS is the
only affordable solution to address the shortfalls of tape backup
and traditional mirroring and replication solutions. It is easy to
use, inexpensive, and can be installed in a few hours.
The bottom line: EMS provides guaranteed email continuity – no
matter what.
EMS includes the following features:
• Guaranteed 60-Second Email Continuity – Activate in less
than 60 seconds to provide any employee with full email &
BlackBerry access during an email outage. EMS ensures that
email never bounces and that email system outages are never
evident to the outside world.
MessageOne EMS:
Guaranteed Exchange Availability
• Emergency Access to Historical Email – EMS intelligently
synchronizes historical email to your standby email system
based on your organization’s needs. For example, you can
provide executives with a full email history, managers with
the last fi ve days of email, and other employees with no email
history at all in their EMS inbox.
• Automated Synchronization – Automatically synchronizes
corporate directories, user accounts, contacts, calendars, and
distribution lists to secure SunGard & IBM data centers.
• Designed for Immunity – Linux-based system provides
immunity from viruses and database corruption that may cause
downtime in the primary Exchange environment.
• Quick Recovery – After an outage, EMS automatically moves
all sent and received email back to the primary system in one
step, with all forensic information intact.
Learn More
Learn why leading companies depend on MessageOne’s
Emergency Mail System to ensure that email is always available.
Visit or call 888-367-0777 for white
papers, product information, or to request a web-based demo.
Paul Robichaux
Paul Robichaux is a principal engineer for 3sharp. A well-known
corporate messaging expert, Paul is an MCSE and a Microsoft
Exchange MVP. He is the author of several books, including
The Exchange Server Cookbook (O’Reilly and Associates), and
creator of the Web site.
Chris Scharff
Chris Scharff is a Senior Systems and Sales Engineer at
MessageOne. Chris, a MCSE and a Microsoft Exchange MVP,
serves as the technical/reviews Editor and Columnist at Microsoft
Exchange & Outlook Magazine and has contributed to a number
of best-selling reference titles on Microsoft Exchange including
the ever popular Nutshell and Pocket Consultant Guides. Chris
holds a Bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University.
Ben Winzenz
Ben Winzenz is a Senior Systems and Sales Engineer at
MessageOne and a Microsoft Exchange MVP. Ben holds a
Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University.
About the Authors
Visit for direct access to our
Microsoft MVP product resources including:
• "Avoid Exchange Availability Pitfalls" – A whitepaper
by WindowsITPro author Ed Roth that describes the most
common Exchange problems and pitfalls.
• "Why Email Fails" – A whitepaper analyzing real world
Microsoft Exchange failure data.
• "Building the Business Case for High Availability Email" – A
thorough analysis of the economic and business drivers for
high availability exchange architectures.
• "The Paradox of High Availability" – A webinar featuring
Gartner, Inc. analyst Donna Scott discussing the pros and cons
of various approaches to high availability for Exchange and
other Windows applications.
• Direct access to EMS product information.
Visit today!
For Further Reading...
MessageOne, Inc.
11044 Research Blvd.
Building C, Fifth Floor,
Austin, TX 78759

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